Vancouver Mokuyokai Society (Since 1982)
Activities and Events Info
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Donwakai is Thursday July 17th
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Hike to Garlibaldi Lake on Sun, July 27th (9am-6:30pm). Rating C3
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Join us for Donwakai this Thursday, June 19th! 今週の木曜日(19日)は呑話会!
Join us for Donwakai this Thursday, June 19th! 今週の木曜日(19日)は呑話会!
**新しい場所!!イエールタウン ブリューイング カンパニー - 1111 Mainland Street**
The Donwakai is Mokuyokai's monthly pub night of networking, laughter and fun that brings together those who have a shared interest in Japan-Canada relations.
毎月第3木曜日に開いている集まりで、グラスを片手におしゃべりを楽しみたい人が誰でも自由に参加できます。事前申し込みは必要ありません。(注)前菜は 用意されていますが、自分でオーダーした食べ物・飲み物は各自で精算して下さい。政府発行の身分証明書が必要です(カナダの運転免許、BCID、又はパス ポート) 。
So if you want to network, share experiences about Japan, learn more about Mokuyokai or just meet like minded people, then don't miss this event!
The atmosphere is casual and feel free to invite a friend. The Donwakai is on the left side when you enter the Yaletown Brewing Co – come in through the main entrance on Mainland Street. In order to keep the Donwakai going strong, participants are required to order something off the menu (minimum of $5 before taxes and gratuities) but we'll still provide some appetizers.
Good news for beer lovers - Yaletown Brewing has lowered prices on all fresh beer by ONE DOLLAR for the Summer season. In addition, they offer a "Brewer's Selection" Monday-Thursday which is a beer for $6.00 (tax-in) selected by the Brewmaster to be on special. As well, on Thursdays they also offer an exclusive Cask beer for guests which is a variety not on our menu, is traditionally brewed, and once it's out, it's out.
Don't forget your ID! 身分証明書を忘れないで!
**A 15% gratuity will be automatically charged on orders so don't worry about tipping!**

Where: Yaletown Brewing Co (in the Pub - left side)
1111 Mainland St, Vancouver (corner of Helmcken & Mainland)
MAP: http://bit.ly/1n77Vnr
Location: 2 minute walk from Yaletown-Roundhouse Station (Canada
Line); OR 15 min from Granville Station
Entrance Cost: Non-Members: $5; Mokuyokai Members: Free
RSVP: Not required; just show up
ID: Required. This is a licensed establishment. If you are a Japanese
citizen, please bring your passport or BCID.
Menu: http://mjg.ca/drive/uploads/2014/04/YBC-MENU-2014.pdf
日時: 6月19日(木)5時半~8時半
場所: ***新しい場所***
Yaletown Brewing Co (パブの左側)
1111 Mainland St, Vancouver (HelmckenとMainlandの角)
地図: http://bit.ly/1n77Vnr
場所: Yaletown駅から徒歩2分、
参加費: 会員無料; 非会員5ドル
身分証明書: 必要(カナダの運転免許、BCID、又はパス ポート)
メニュー: http://mjg.ca/drive/uploads/2014/04/YBC-MENU-2014.pdf
Thursday, 29 May 2014
June 14th World Cup Dinnerkai at Kamei Baru!
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
IMPORTANT!! VENUE CHANGE for Donwakai 呑話会 場所変更!
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Mokuyokai Bilingual Yoga Experience vol.1 on Sunday, June 1
*No yoga gear such as a mat or blocks is needed, the studio has everything.* Just come with your smile and open mind :-) We will move to a restaurant near the studio after the yoga session and socialize over dinner. (We are thinking to go to Congee Noodle House to share some good food and good laughs!)
Date: Sunday, June 1, 3:30 - 5:00pm (Yoga session) and dinner afterwards
Venue: Three Jewels Vancouver, 9 East Broadway, Vancouver (2 block west of Main St & Broadway)
Cost: Mokuyokai Members $5(!!)/ Non-members $8(!)
RSVP: Please email to rsvp[at]mokuyokai.bc.ca by Wed, May 28. Please tell us a bit about your thoughts on this yoga event. (e.g. Experience? Language preference?)
Max # of participants: 15 people
木曜会初めての試み、木曜会メンバーのMari先生とのバイリンガルヨガに参加しませんか?ヨガが初めての方も、経験豊富なyogiの方も、レベルに関係なく楽しめるヨガクラスです。*ヨガマットやブロック等は全てスタジオにあるので、持ってくる必要はありません。笑顔と広い心だけで来てください。ヨガの後はスタジオの近くのレストランでディナーとおしゃべりを楽しみましょう。(近くのCongee Noodle Houseでおいしいごはんと笑いをシェアする予定です。)
日時: 6月1日(日曜日)午後3時30分〜5時(ヨガクラス)その後夕食
場所: Three Jewels Vancouver, 9 East Broadway, Vancouver (Main Stから2ブロック西です)
会費: 木曜会会員 5ドル・非会員 8ドル
申込み: 5月28日(水曜日)までに、rsvp[at]mokuyokai.bc.caまで。その際、ヨガの経験や希望の言語などについて少し教えてください。
定員: 15人
Donwakai is Next Week! 来週は呑話会!
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Saturday's Stawamus Chief hike has been **cancelled** due to rain
We will reschedule to a different weekend in the next couple of months. Our next hike will be the Ghost Town Hike - stay tuned for details!!
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Hike to the Parkhurst Ghost Town (near Whistler) on Sun, May 11th. Rating B2.
On Sunday, May 11th, we're going to a Ghost Town near Whistler! The Parkhurst Ghost Town is the remains of an old, small logging camp that started in the 1920s and continued to the 1960s. Today there is but one shack standing; the rest have fallen down but there are some old cars and other reminants. For those who don't know, it is called a Ghost Town because it is abandoned - it is not haunted.
It is a fairly easy hike to Parkhurst from a parking lot off the main highway: it is about 5km round trip and an hour each way. There are some small elevation gains and the trail is through a forest. You need good shoes, as there will likely be some muddy parts. It is also very important that participants stick together, as the trail is poorly marked at times. We may go for a meal afterwards near Whistler. You must rsvp to attend this hike.
When: Sunday, May 11th. 8:30am – 4:30pm (approximately 3-4 hours of hiking; driving time depends on traffic)
Where: Parkhurst Ghost Town (10km after Whistler)
Meetup Location: 1. Vancouver Tourism Info Center at 8:30am (sharp)
(300 Burrard Street. Corner of Burrard St. and W. Cordova St).
2. White Spot parking lot at Park Royale Shopping Centre at 8:50am
Cost: Members: Free, Non-Members: $5. All must pay their driver $7-$10 for gas and their time.
RSVP to Michael Marland (hike@mokuyokai.bc.ca) by Friday, May 9th (spots in cars are awarded on a first come, first serve basis).
Please indicate:
1) Are you a Mokuyokai member?
2) Can you drive or do you need a lift?
3) Do you want to meet at the Vancouver Tourism Centre or at Park Royale?
4) Your phone number
5) Emergency contact: name and phone number
Maximum number of participants: 15
More trail info:
What to bring: Hiking shoes, jacket, lunch, water, camera, cash, sweater. We are not stopping for anything along the way, so come prepared! Mokuyokai reserves the right to turn away unprepared participants.
Car Pooling & Gas Fee:
We will arrange car-pooling from the Vancouver Tourism Info Centre. It works on a first come, first serve basis (i.e., if someone RSVPs and can drive 3 people, the first three people who signed up get a lift.) Drivers are usually in short supply, so if you can drive, it is appreciated. There is a bit of mud leading to the parking lot.
Please try to give Mokuyokai as much time as possible if you need to cancel. Cancellations 24hrs our less before the event cause issues with car pooling. (It is Mother's Day, so please double check to make sure you are free that day.) If the forecast calls for heavy rain, we will cancel. That decision will be made the night before.
Mokuyokai Rating: B2
=====< Rating System >================
This rating system indicates the difficulty of the activity and how long it will take. Please note that this is just a reference and the time may differ depending on the condition and participant's abilities.
A= Beginner: For everyone. A walk in the park.
B= Intermediate: For the people who occasionally play sports.
C= Strenuous: You regularly exercise and want a challenge.
Time (Estimation of activity time):
1= less than 2 hours
2= 2 to 4 hours
3= more than 4 hours
Saturday, 26 April 2014
May 3rd Hiking Stawamus Chief 5月3日ハイキング: スタワマスチーフ