Thursday, 29 May 2014

June 14th World Cup Dinnerkai at Kamei Baru!

World Cup Viewing Dinnerkai 

What: Dinner and World Cup Soccer Viewing 
When: Saturday, June 14th, 5:30-8:30pm Kick Off is 6:00pm
Location: Kamei Baru 990 Smith Street Map


Join Mokuyokai as we cheer on Japan in their first game of the 2014 Soccer World Cup against Cote d'Ivoire.  
Wear the samurai blue colors, watch the match on the big screen while enjoying great food and drinks at Kamei Baru.  The restaurant will have their own promotions and specials we can enjoy.  
The number of spots is limited so please RSVP early.

Members and Non-members Fee: None, but you must pay for your own meal and drinks. Participants are welcome to share entrees or order on their own.

Maximum # of participants: 20. Feel free to invite a friend!



場所:KAMEI BARU レストラン 990スマイス 地図
参加費: 会員・ 非会員:無料(食事・ドリンクの支払いは各自でお願いします)

参加ご希望の方は、 宛メールでお申し込みください。