Friday, 28 June 2013

Fraser Valley Wine Tour - Sun, July 14th. Meetup Lougheed Skytrain Stn.

*Update July 9th - this event is now full*

Join us on Sunday, July 14th, for winery tour of the Fraser Valley. We will tour at least two wineries in the Langley/Aldergrove area, perhaps three if time permits. The two main wineries are Backyard Vinyards and Domaine de Chaberton.

At this time we are planning to be at Backyard Vineyards (‎) for an 11 am tour, and then on to Domaine de Chaberton (, for a quick outdoor lunch – bring your own, and then the 2:00 pm tour. If time permits, other wineries may be visited and we will drive along Zero Avenue (the US/Can border).

Some of the places may (or may not), charge a $3 - $5 fee for tastings, refunded if you buy a bottle of wine. Participants should commit to buying at least two bottle of wine each during the day. ($15 -$20 per bottle). Bring a bag for the wine.

Date: Sunday, July 14th.
Time: Meet at Lougheed Skytrain Station at 9:30 am. Return to Lougheed Stn. about 5:00 pm
Cost: $8 per person in gas money, plus whatever wine you purchase. There is no member or non-member fee.
What to bring: cash, lunch, water, bag for your wine, ID (BC License or Passport).
RSVP to David Wallace:  davidhw2{at} (replace {at} with @)  by Thursday, July 11th. As mentioned, there are a limited number of spaces, please RSVP right away. Please rsvp with your name, phone number, emergency contact, and if you can drive or need a lift. Finally, please ensure your rsvp is firm, as last minute cancels cause issues with car pooling.

Also, we're going rain or shine!

The Vancouver Mokuyokai Society.
*Note* if you rsvp and do not receive a reply within 36 hours, please send another, new email.