Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Mokuyokai/Kiyukai Summer BBQ August 25, 2013

Summer BBQ 2013!!

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** Mokuyokai/Kiyukai Summer BBQ! Sun, August 25th 11:30am-4:00pm

There are still some spots left for the 2013 Summer BBQ but the event is filling up fast!

The Mokuyokai/Kiyukai Summer BBQ is our annual event where we will be BBQ'ing steak, salmon, and yakisoba while enjoying onigiri, cold salad, watermelon and drinks. The day also includes plenty of games including tug-of-war, caterpillar walk and watermelon smash.

Details of the event are:

When: 11:30am-4:00pm (food served 12:30-2:00pm), Sunday, Aug 25, 2013
Where: Jericho Pond Picnic Site (http://mokuyokai.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a264fb775a9ebcb51649d7cff&id=c6d95cf2c9&e=72f2a5d8eb) (near Jericho Beach at the end of Point Grey Road, Vancouver) -- look for signs!
Cost: $13/Mokuyokai & Kiyukai Members, $16 non-members, children are $1 per year of age from 3 until 10 years old
Bring: lawn chairs and mats to sit on, utensils to eat with, and water bottles to refill water with!
RSVP: to mokubbq@gmail.com (mailto:mokubbq@gmail.com?subject=RSVP%20Mokuyokai%20BBQ) by August 22. Please include: (1) total number of attendees and names; (2) one contact phone number and email.
Maximum: 150 participants first come first serve! RSVP early!

1) Please pay cash on the day of the BBQ. We thank you in advance for bringing exact change.
2) Kiyukai and Mokuyokai will purchase the ingredients before the BBQ. We will ask no-shows or people who cancel after Aug 22 to honour the participation fee. Thank you for your understanding.
3) Bring your lawn mat/chairs, water bottles and eating utensils. This will help us reduce amount of waste. We will set up a water refill station on site!
4) Photos will be taken at this event that may be used for promoting, publicizing or explaining the Society of its activities.

バンクーバー木曜会/企友会 BBQ大会の申し込み只今受け付けています。



日時: 8月25日(日)11:30~16:00 (食事時間は 12:30~14:00)

場所: Jericho Pond Picnic Site 地図(http://bit.ly/BBQmap) >>
    Point Grey Rd. つきあたり。池の東側のエリアとなります。
会費: 企友会会員&木曜会会員 $13
    非会員 $16、 お子様は10歳まで 年齢x$1

申込: お申込みは下記を明記の上、8月22日までに mokubbq@gmail.com (mailto:mokubbq@gmail.com?subject=RSVP%20Mokuyokai%20BBQ) ご連絡下さい。


* 参加費は当日現金にてお持ち下さい。またお釣りのないようお願いいたします。
* 8月22日 までにお申込み下さい。
* 8月22日以降の予約キャンセルは返金できません。当日参加されない場合は、後日参加費を郵送にてお送りいただきます(食材等購入済みのため、ご理解をお願いいたします)。
* ごみの量を減らすため、できるだけご自身でお箸やフォーク、お皿等をお持ち下さい。折りたたみ椅子やピクニックマット等もご自身でご持参下さい。
* 当日は免責書への署名をお願いいたします。
* 当日、 木曜会ホームページ、 企友会会報及びホームページ、用に写真撮影を行います。予めご了承下さい。


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