Monday, 23 September 2013

Try Japanese Calligraphy! 書道を体験してみませんか?

Learn about and try some fun Japanese calligraphy.  This Mokuyokai event is an introduction to calligraphy led by Kisyuu, a Japanese calligraphy master who creates modern style multimedia calligraphy.  
There is space for 12 people and no experience is necessary.  This is your chance to try a fun and traditional Japanese art form with a modern twist.  
After trying calligraphy for about two hours, we will be able to relax and have dinner at a nearby restaurant, so plan on staying a bit longer and socializing!


When:                   Saturday, September 28 (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
Where:                  3440 West Broadway
Cost:                     Mokuyokai Members $5/ Non-Members $7
RSVP:                    by September 26th to
日時: 9月28日(土)(5:00pm – 7:00pm) 
場所: 3440 ウェスト・ブロードウェイ
会費: 木曜会会員 $5 / 非会員 $7
申込: お申し込みは9月26日までに までお願いします。