Friday, 11 October 2013

Fwd: ハイキング+山道のゴミ拾い(エコクリーンアップ)10月26日(土)HIKE AND TRAIL CLEANUP AT MUNDY PARK - SAT OCT 26

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Vancouver Mokuyokai Society
ハイキング + 山道のゴミ拾い(エコクリーンアップ)
コキットラムのマンディパークは数キロのハイキングコースや二つの湖を含む美しい荒野公園です。 木曜会会員ーデビッドに連れられて、これらのコースをハイキングするつもりです。コースをハイキングしながらゴミを探して、拾います。その上、、ダグラスのリス、エンレイソウの花、とその他の野生植物を観賞します。ハイキングの後、オリジナルジョーのパブへ行きます。
ハイキング期間は3〜4時間(交通機関含まず)、難易度のレベルは初級。参加者それぞれ独自のバスそしてフェリー運賃支払います。10月17日までに にて予約は必要となります。

日程:        10月26日() 午前10:30〜午後2時
場所:        マンディ公園(コキットラム市)
MEETUP: Lougheed Skytrain Stationの東口(午前10時)またはマンディー公園の売店(10時半)、Winslow Hillcrest の角
参加費:     無料ガソリン代のみ)

Hike and Trail Cleanup at Mundy Park

Join us for a special hike! We're going to give back something to the trails we often use and love. This time, in addition to hiking, we're going to clean up some of the trash that other hikers have left behind.

Mundy Park in Coquitlam is a beautiful wilderness park containing several kilometers of trails and two lakes. Led by Mokuyokai Board member David, we're going to hike these trails. On the trails we will watch for, and pick up garbage. We will also watch for Douglas squirrels, trillium flowers, and other wild and plant life. After the hike, we'll go to Original Joe's Pub.

Hike Difficulty: Easy
What to bring: Two empty plastic supermarket grocery bags, pair of garden gloves or winter gloves that you don't mind getting dirty, lunch, snacks, water, boots (there will be mud), change of shoes, warm jacket.
Car Pool: We will arrange car-pooling from Lougheed Skytrain Station.
RSVP: To by Thursday, October 17th.

Please indicate:
1) Are you a Mokuyokai member?
2) Can you drive or do you need a lift? If you can drive, please call David at 604-936-1977
3) Your phone number
4) Emergency Contact and their Phone Number

When:                  Sat, October 26th (10:30am ~ 3:00pm)
Where:                 Mundy Park, Coquitlam
Cost:                    Free, but please pay your driver gas money
Meetup Location: Lougheed Skytrain Station. East exit at 10:00 am or 10:30 am at Mundy Park Concession Stand, corner of Winslow and Hillcrest  (#156 bus)

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