Friday, 22 November 2013

Special Event: Sumo-Style Chanko Nabe (Hotpot) + Sumo Watching

Sumo-Style Chanko Nabe (Hotpot) + Sumo WatchingWhen:  Saturday, November 30th (6:00pm~)Where: 66 West Cordova, Buzzer 5023Cost:     Mokuyokai Members $12 / Non-Members $15
Doskoi Doskoi! Join Mokuyokai Iron Chef* and sumo aficionado Shaun Krislock for some Sumo-style Chanko Nabe (Hotpot) and Sumo watching on November 30th.  We will be learning about the history and tradition of Sumo while watching the final day of the Kyushu 2013 tournament.   You will have the chance to prepare and eat the same sort of hotpot that the wrestlers eat every day.  Don't worry, it's actually very healthy; they get big because of the quantity of food that they eat.  We will also have a paper-sumo tournament ourselves!  Space is limited so RSVP today at Please pay in cash at the event. Please bring your own pair of chopsticks and a bowl. * Note:  Shaun is not actually an Iron Chef
日程: 11月30日(土)午後6時〜場所: 66 West Cordova (インターホン番号5023)参加費: 会員12ドル; 非会員15ドル
どすこい、どすこい! 木曜会の料理の鉄人*で、相撲が大好きのShaun Krislockさんと一緒にちゃんこ鍋を食べながら、相撲をみませんか?11月30日に、相撲のイベントを開きます!九州場所の最後の日(千秋楽)を見て、ちゃんこ鍋を作り、食べながら紙相撲の大会もしようと思います! 定員20名まで。参加ご希望の方は、11月28日までにrsvp@mokuyokai.bc.ca宛メールでお申し込みください。 参加費はイベント会場にて現金でお支払い下さい。マイお箸と鍋用の取り皿を各自持ってきてください。 * 注:  Shaunさんは本物の料理の鉄人ではありません。