Monday, 7 April 2014

Saturday April 12th - Ohanami Picnic お花見 4月12日(土)

Please join us for the 2014 Mokuyokai Ohanami! 

We'll gather at Queen Elizabeth Park at 12:00 PM on Saturday, April 12. This will be a very easy going event; please bring your own lunch / bento / snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.

Since this is a public park in Canada, unfortunately we can't drink alcohol. But we'll have a great time nonetheless. We might not have sake, but we will have at least TWO blue tarps! If you have a tarp or large picnic blanket, please bring it along.

Other ideas for things to bring: acoustic musical instruments, frisbees, hackey sack, badminton, haiku writing gear, etc.
Date: Saturday April 12th, Noon onwards
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Park, near the West entrance on 33rd Avenue.  We will meet near the Sakura trees on the South-West side of the park.  Look for the Mokuyokai Banner!  It is between King Edward and Oakridge Stations on the Skytrain Canada Line.  Map
Cost: Free!  This event is open to Mokuyokai Members and non-members  
RSVP: not required, just show up!  For more information email

バンクーバーの桜の木の下で木曜会の方々と集まりましょう!4月12日に Queen Elizabeth Park ではのんびりした行事なので、各自ランチ/弁当/スナック、飲み物(お酒以外)を持って来て下さい!ブルーシートは二枚があるけど、もし自分のシートやピ クニックブランケットがあったら、ぜひ持って来て下さい。ギター/フリズビー/バドミントン/俳句を詠むのも楽しい!

場所:Queen Elizabeth Park西 地図 木曜会の垂れ幕を目印に。
参加費: 無料