Thursday, 31 October 2013

Shamisen Workshop Nov 12, 2013

Special Event- Shamisen Workshop Nov 12, 2013  

Vancouver Mokuyokai Society
We are happy to be able to present a special workshop with world renowned Tsugaru Shamisen artist, Yamaguchi Hiroshi.  In addition to a performance there will be an opportunity for a question and answer session with the artist.

His CDs will be available for purchase throughout the night. Please note that these are difficult to obtain outside of Japan so we would like to highly encourage our guests to make use of this rare opportunity. 

All members of the community are welcomed to join us.

This workshop is a free preview for the November 16, 2013 Bang Danjos Performance 


When:                 Tuesday November 12, 2013 (6:30pm-8:00pm)
Where:               UBC Asian Centre Auditorium (1871 West Mall) Map
Entrance Cost:    Free! Donations to the Artist accepted
RSVP:                 Not required; just show up
日時:   11月12日(火)6:30pm−8:00pm
場所:   UBC アジアン・センター講堂 (1871WestMall)地図
参加費:     無料