Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Annual General Meeting and Bonnenkai 2013

Vancouver Mokuyokai Society
Thanks to all of your participation and enthusiasm another year has (almost) flown by.  As we reminisce about the past successful year and look ahead to 2014. Mokuyokai would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Bonenkai (Year End Party), scheduled for Saturday December 7, 2013 at Kamei Baru Restaurant!

At our AGM we will review the past year's programs and elect a new Board of Directors to guide Mokuyokai in 2014!  If you are interested in volunteering with Mokuyokai's Board of Directors or want to find out more about the opportunities available please speak to one of our current Board members or email Eddy at president@mokuyokai.bc.ca

The Bonnenkai will take place immediately after the AGM and will consist of a sit-down Japanese dinner.
Date: Saturday December 7, 2013
Venue: Kamei Baru Restaurant, upstairs private area (990 Smithe Street, Vancouver) **max 40 people**
Cost$45 (includes tax/tip) Mokuyokai Members/ $55 non-members  (please purchase your own drinks) 
Time: AGM 6pm-7pm; Bonenkai 7-9:30pm 
RSVP: email to rsvp@mokuyokai.bc.ca by Dec 4.  Please indicate if you will be attending the AGM the Bonnenkai or both.  For attendance at the Bonnenkai advance payment is appreciated.  Payment can be made by cheque to a Board Member (at an event) or send cheque to:
"Vancouver Mokuyokai Society" PO Box 48901 Bentall Station, Vancouver, BC V7X 1A8